Your Lifeline In An Emergency

Emergency First Aid (New Certificate)

Emergency First Aid (New Certificate)

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Product Details

HSFC Emergency First Aid and CPR C and AED

This comprehensive one-day course summarizes proven methods for providing basic, urgent assistance to injured or ill persons.Through instruction, demonstration and practice, participants will learn how to determine the severity of a patient’s condition and practice safe intervention when providing them with emergency support.

Product Details

HSFC Emergency First Aid and CPR C and AED

This comprehensive one-day course summarizes proven methods for providing basic, urgent assistance to injured or ill persons.Through instruction, demonstration and practice, participants will learn how to determine the severity of a patient’s condition and practice safe intervention when providing them with emergency support.

Topics include:

  • Emergency Scene Management
  • Shock, Fainting and Unconsciousness
  • Head, Spine and Pelvic Injuries
  • Severe Bleeding and Wounds
  • Adult/Child/Infant Resuscitation
  • Medical Conditions (including Asthma, Allergies, Diabetic Emergencies, Seizures and Poisoning)
  • Burns

Successful completion of the course enables participants to receive an Emergency First Aid CPR/AED Level C Completion Card

Course appropriate for lay rescuers or employees that are only required to receive 8 hours or less of emergency or basic first aid instruction/practice as stipulated by provincial or federal health and safety regulations.

Approximate Course Length:8 Hours